Auditing & Reevaluation

At the beginning of each month, do an audit of your accounts’ activity during the previous month. This audit should look at the following items:

  • The net change in followers/subscribers/likes for the account(s)
  • How large the account’s total reach was
  • How many posts have been shared in the last month
  • How many items have been shared from other areas of Student Affairs
  • What your most popular posts were
  • What your least popular posts were
  • What posts you promoted or ads you have created to promote your social media
  • If hosting a special event that month, think about how many posts pertained to that event and their effectiveness
  • Any surprising occurrences of note on the account

Use this audit when reviewing what content was effective for your account(s) and how you can better plan your content and use social media in the future. Additionally, please provide a copy of this audit to the Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications for review.